I always like to
think that in my 30 years of living, I
have managed to figure it all out when it comes to love and relationships. So
much so, that when my 19 year old niece talks to me about love I can smile
sweetly and think to myself, she has no idea what's coming. And as bad as that
sounds I think most of us can agree that we have grown out of the impulsive
love stage we were in when we were kids and moved into a much more mature state
by understanding that love means more then the fact that the guy has a nice
ride or that the girl is smoking hot with an ass of steal. I mean we all still
want those things, LOL, but we understand that there are certain qualities that
last a bit longer and that over time
skin will get saggy, looks will fade and nice ride's become mini-van's (hopefully BMW mini-van's).
And so as wise as I
would like to think I am, I am often reminded that I still have some things to learn as I did this weekend, when I had the honor of spending time with
one of my most favoritest couples that happened to be celebrating their 40th
wedding anniversary, my parents :) And I know what you are thinking HOLY F 40
THAT IS A LONG DAMN TIME, because it's my sentiments exactly. But I think
that's what makes it as beautiful as it is. And in honor of this occasion, I wanted to get my parents to do a guest
entry, but let's be real, my English is already hard enough to understand so I
can only imagine what you would have gotten had I allowed them to write. LOL.
Therefore I will take this one on for them, and hope that I can do it justice.
So as I was saying,
this weekend began with a call from my mom, who sounded like a giddy teenager.
She called me to tell me how lucky and blessed she felt not only to have two
amazing daughters that she was proud of, but also to have a husband that regardless
of his flawed nature at times gave her a reason to want to enjoy each and every
day. I couldn't help but tear up in such happiness as she continued to talk
about my dad. All I could think to myself was how amazing they
were together and how much they had overcome. I mean I have witnessed it all -
the worst fights, hardcore screaming, yelling, slamming doors, crying, lies and anger used to get out of things,
along with the beauty of them working together to get over these hard life and
relationship struggles whether it's communication, hurts that have stung so bad
it has taken years to overcome, job changes and struggles, money, children and
family issues, distance, travel, you
name it. No matter how bad things ever got, their commitment, patience and love
for each other never stopped either of them after days, weeks or months of not
talking to turn around and say I love you, I'm sorry let's talk. I have watched them put their pride away,
admit defeat, apologize and overcome hurdles that neither of them including my
sister and I though they could overcome. They tell me it's because they stayed
positive, I think it's because they are committed. Or maybe it lends itself to
the nature of their arranged marriage versus
being surrounded by so much choice that it is easy to run in times of
difficulty, rather than face them head on.
While they both
would like to think they are - NEITHER OF THEM ARE PERFECT, which is why over time they have both made
compromises to make each other happy. And it's these compromises that will have
my mom admit that she would rather not wake up to anyone else's annoying
snoring and my dad to admit that there is no one else he would rather fight and
bitch at. And I know we never want to admit that our parents are in LOVVVVVEEE
because well there is a whole slew of mental images we would like to ignore,
but in this case I am accepting this fact and realizing that it has made me a huge
part of who I am.
You see I am
committed. Committed to the bad, the good and the ugly. It's the reason I never
gave up on my dreams of becoming valedictorian after being rejected many times
along the way, it's the reason I never
gave up on my CA Exams after experiencing so much failure, it's the reason I
have never given up my student's who struggle with their CA Exams, It's the
reason I stuck it out in Africa when every part of me wanted to run home at
times, it's the reason why I never gave
up on the GMAT and my MBA Dreams no matter how stupid I had come to feel, It's
the reason I drag myself out of bed early on Saturday mornings to make it to
dragon boat practice, It’s the reason I stop and think of the people around me
and try to do little things to make them happy - even if it's as small as
leaving a note behind that says I love you or taking the time to really listen to what they are saying, It's the reason why with every
mistake, failure, argument, relationship/friendship issue, I have had the
ability to admit failure, defeat and apologize and work to better myself for
not only me, but for those I love and it's the reason why I have never given up
and remained patient in the face of any situation. And you may think I'm crazy for enduring It
all, but the truth is, that after overcoming challenges like these ones, the
feeling of surviving, succeeding and being happy is something you appreciate so much more along with the people that always believed in you.
Anyhow, before I let this
drag on too much, I leave you with a picture (several actually) of my parents
to introduce the happy couple- the most amazing set of best friends ever - so
that I can dedicate this post to them. And I also leave you with their wise love
lessons for the next generation.
In relationships
it's inevitable that things will get hard. Your love and commitment to each other will be tried, tested and put through the ringer at many points along the way. There will be days that you come home feeling like you hate your partner and want to escape, but those are the times you have to hold on tighter and be as open and honest with them as possible, no matter how difficult those conversations can seem. The love you have for each other will always prevail and keep you too together, you just have to remain calm, positive and full of belief in your partner's commitment to you. After all that's what the two of you are meant to be - Partners in Crime and Best Friends that are willing to face everything and anything together. You are meant to conquer the world, and no one ever did that with out a few hiccups along the way.
So with that I sign-off and wish you all nothing but the strength, positivity and patience to believe in the ones you love most :) Til we meet again.
very nice and the photo...brillant.. :)